You belong here.
Exactly as you are.

If you don’t believe that last part, you’re in the right place.

Mo Bailey is a fat, sassy and human-first LGBTQ+ Empowerment Coach and Speaker. Here, she has her hands on her hip and a giant smile on her face.

You already have the answers, you just need the right questions

Welcome to the beginning of your self love, empowerment, all around badassary journey. It may not feel like it right now, but believe me- you’ve got the stuff! 

The world needs you. Your love, your ideas, your spirit, your innovation, your wisdom. You have a voice and deserve to use it.

My job is to help you realize your value and the best way to share whatever it is that you have inside you. I’m here to be in your corner, no matter what that looks like. Whether you’re looking to grow personally or within your career, I’m here to lend a hand and to provide the tools to get you there.

Mo’s Services


Empowerment Coaching

Whether you are looking to improve your personal life, your finances, your relationship with your body, or your career, it all starts with belonging. In this 1:1 work, we will identify your unique gifts, goals and path to getting you where want to go and work to make you feel more comfortable with the space that your uniqueness needs.


Business Coaching

We were all born with different levels of tools and resources at our disposal. My business coaching is built to meet you wherever you are and help build your confidence in being the CEO of your business. Together, we’ll learn to lean in on those gut feelings and intuitive nudges that are likely the reason you became a business owner in the first place.


Speaking and Emceeing

Whether you’ve got an event coming up or want a one off-facilitated discussion, I’m here for you! Whatever the intentions or size of the event, I’d love to chat to see what I can bring to the table for you.

Love for Mo.

  • Cal Reeves (she/her)

    “Mo was entirely present, compelling, kind, generous with her time and beautifully honest in her presentation. It was clearly a safe space for all voices to share and be heard, something I do not often find in speakers.”

  • Jess Stevens (she/her)

    “I have a post it with quotes from Mo that were huge ah-ha moments! Mo was able to really cut through my mental clutter and helped me sort through thoughts and doubts I was having. She cut to the root of my concerns and helped me get some clarity on where my doubts were stemming from.”

    Alight Agency

  • Sebastian Nemec (he/him)

    “Mo is someone who will be real and raw with you in the best way. Be ready to open your soul, and it will be taken care of.”

    Coach Bastian